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I am currently a graduate student in Applied Ethics at Linköping University.

An alumni of ENS-Ulm in Paris, I hold a master degree in contemporary Art History from the University of Paris-X Nanterre. I worked in start-ups for eight years before deciding that philosophy, and in particular ethics, was more important.

I am at the beginning of my research journey in philosophy. Some of the topics I currently identify as interests: non-anthropocentrism, the epistemological conditions of responsibility, Buddhist ethics, limitarianism, daydreaming, interdisciplinary research. An underlying question I carry is - what is wisdom? What is the interesection between rational thinking, ethical thinking, and embodied wisdom?

Vegetarian, former practicioner of Kendo, current practicioner of Ashtanga yoga. I draw a lot.


M.A. in Art History, University of Paris-X (2013, first class)

Student ENS-Ulm Paris (2010-2014)

Preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles (2007-2010, first class)


Enquête sur les musées imaginaires du Web : de l'imaginaire de Malraux au vertige de Borgès. Revue de l'Art. Paris : Flammarion, n° 182. 2013

Reproducing Peake’s MS drawings: some thoughts and suggestions

Peake Studies.  Apr 2013 

From Pictures to Prose: How Goya and Rembrandt contributed to the Titus Books Peake Studies.  2012

Participation to conferences and summer schools

Digital Methods Summer School: "On the challenges of studying social media data". University of Amsterdam. June-July 2013

"Virtual imaginary museums and the construction of a history of world art", presented during the International Consortium of Art History's 11th International Spring School Art: "World Art". University of North Anglia, Norwich. May 2013.

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